Monday, March 15, 2010

Sa nook!

So, as usual... I am compelled to NOT focus all 24 hours of my day to studying, so.. here I am updating~!

Slowly the fact that I'm going to Thailand is becoming more real to me. I already sent in some passport info (complete with the photo of me and my blue-streaked hair, oh.. yeah..) to apply for the VISA, so... all I need to do is to wait for the preliminary application stuff!

I think I've gotten over the fact that I'll miss my friends terribly over the vacation, but, I got to suck it up, I guess? Anyhow. I guess what SHOULD be concerning me is... HOW in the WORLD am I going to communicate? I mean, sure - most people know some basic English, but.. really, is this going to get me by? Unlike my past summer in Brazil, where I already knew some Spanish, to help me understand some phrases in Brazil to ease me into the Portuguese-learning-process.... Thai is going to be a COMPLETELY different story!


So, let's begin with some basic things that I've found on this pretty useful website, complete with voice clips! :) Let's see if I actually use these or will be corrected when I go to Thailand..

For a lot of these phrases, add "kha" at the end if you're a female. For Male version, put "khrap," hehe!~
  • Sa Wat (สวัส) - Blessing, Good Fortune
  • Dee (ดี) - (is) good
  • Sa Wat Dee (สวัสดี) - Hello, goodbye, good morning.... greetings~!
  • Wat DEE! (หฺวัดดี)- just, an informal HEY, hello!
  • Reuu?? (หรือ) - Really?? used also to indicate a question
  • Sa baai dee reuu?(สบายดีหรือ) - How are you?
  • Yin dee thee dai ruu jak (ยินดีที่ได้รู้จัก)- Pleased to meet you
  • Sa nook (สนุก)- Fun!
  • Khaawp jai ja (ขอบ-ไจ-จ้ะ) - Thank you!

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